VOTE on or before April 1, 2023
Jill Krajewski for Arlington School Committee
Saturday March 25 10 - 3 pm Town Hall
Monday March 27 8 - 4 pm Town Hall
Tuesday March 28 8 - 4 pm Town Hall
Wedneseday March 29 8 - 7 pm Town Hall
Drop Boxes: Fox Library, Town Hall, Park Ave ACMI
April 1 8 am - 8 pm at your Polling Location
If you need to make your decisions for who can best serve the town for the 3 school committee seats, the League of Women Voters Debate is cued up here (~minute 52)!
Arlington Parent - Massachusetts Teacher & Education Leader
What experience would I bring to the Committee?
Arlington resident since 2005; Precinct 21 captain for Build Arlington Future Campaign in 2019
Parent of two children: Audrey (grade 8 Ottoson) and Eviana (grade 5 Peirce)
High school science teacher in nearby Needham, Massachusetts, since 2003.
AP Biology Teacher: Worked to support individual students' needs and increase enrollment in AP biology from a cohort of 8 to a cohort of ~60.
Education Collaborator: Worked on a team to develop and implement an innovative program as an optional pathway for 9th graders to take their core classes through an interdisciplinary program that focuses on 21st century skills, 2019-present.
Vice President of Needham Education Association: Supporting members of all bargaining units, continually working to address contract language, meeting regularly with district Administration to resolve conflicts for the last 15 years.
Joint Health and Safety Advisory Committee member: advised on district (Needham) Covid safety policies from June 2020-June 2022.
What would I work to accomplish as a Committee member?
Listen to families across the district to understand how APS can grow and use my experiences in the classroom and as a parent to critically evaluate data and inform policy changes. This includes: clearly articulated special education and support programs and transparent processes that ensure equitable access to programming. For more about special education read my position linked here.
Work through the override process to provide the financial support necessary to attract and retain diverse, high quality educators across all bargaining units.
Support the new Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction to ensure that innovative AND sustainable programs can grow within the APS.
Understand how the data tells the stories of the seven neighborhood schools and work to ensure that the unique needs of the various schools are supported.
Support the relationship between the district and the school community, including the families who reside outside our town borders.
Continue to work to support availability of school-based before and after school programs that are essential to the many young families who treasure Arlington’s elementary schools.
Continue to ask the questions and look at the data to ensure our curricular and co-curricular options are accessible to all students who wish to take advantage of these offerings. This includes: looking at the hidden costs associated with athletics and performing arts and ensuring that a tiered intervention system is identified, utilized and accessible to all students in the classroom.
Understand the data collected on recent social emotional inventories and work to provide the support systems needed as we work to support children in a post-pandemic educational setting.
Campaign Updates
Follow my Facebook Profile:
Jill Krajewski for Arlington School Committee
Join my email/text lists to and share with neighbors and other community members and show your support for this campaign!
Election: Saturday April 1, 2023 (must be registered in Arlington by March 22!)
POST CARDS have been sent out for VOTE BY MAIL to registered voters -- due to Town Hall by March 27, 2023!!!
Voter Registration - Vote by mail, check voter status, register to vote
Coming Soon: Local supporters and Endorsements
Many years ago, I fell in love with Arlington, its center of town high school and its neighborhood elementary schools. Today, I am excited to have the chance to continue to build the future of a school system with a solid foundation in a town whose residents value their public schools!
Check out more about my family and my candidacy on my campaign profile!
I have been truly honored to listen to those who I have met and share my excitement about the Arlington Public Schools. Please consider viewing the Candidates' Night Debate. The citizens of Arlington asked really great questions for the candidates to answer!
Candidates' Night & Debate
View supporters and consider adding your support by clicking here!
Read testimonials from supporters here!